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Michael Georgieff, MD, Martin Lenz Harrison Land Grant Chair in Pediatrics, Professor of Pediatrics and Child Psychology, Director of the Division of Neonatology, Executive Vice Chair of the Department of Pediatrics, and Director of the Center for Neurobehavioral Development, University of Minnesota


Debra Karhson, PhD, (site principal investigator, Louisiana) Assistant Professor of Psychology, University of New Orleans


Alicia Kunin-Batson, PhD, LP, (site principal investigator, MinnesotaAssociate Professor, Department of Pediatrics, University of Minnesota


Jennifer Mize Nelson, PhD, (site principal investigator, NebraskaDirector of Research Strategy and Infrastructure, Office of Research, and Associate Research Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Nebraska, Lincoln


Timothy Nelson, PhD, (site principal investigator, NebraskaProfessor of Psychology, University of Nebraska, Lincoln


Former Co-Investigators

Sarah Black, PhD
Dennis Molfese, PhD
Victoria Molfese, PhD

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