Baby's First Years
The first study in the United States to assess the impact of poverty reduction on family life and infant and toddlers’ cognitive, emotional, and brain development
NICHD Funded Post-Doctorate Researchers​
The Baby's First Years study team seeks one or more post-doctorate candidates to apply for postdoctoral funding to work with a principal investigator of the study, through an NIH administrative supplement. The candidate must meet the NIH’s specified eligibility as a member of an under-represented group in the health-related sciences.
The Baby's First Years study team seeks a Research Assistant (RA) with a BA in Psychology, Neuroscience, or a related field. This individual will pilot and subsequently run the lab-based visits in NYC at age 3. Will assist the postdoc in piloting and training others on the tasks.
Primary responsibilities include assisting with the development and pilot testing of study procedures, administering study visits, and assisting the Project Director with operational activities. Budget-related responsibilities include reconciling expenses to the correct grants and processing invoices. Individuals in this role may also train and manage research assistants, and have opportunities to assist with data analysis and conference/manuscript preparation. Duties may include light travel to study sites.
Click here for more information and to learn how to apply.
The Baby's First Years study team seeks two full-time postdoctoral research scientists. These positions will be overseeing site-based data collection for our capstone wave of data collection when children in the study are approximately four years old. One position will be based in Omaha, Nebraska and the other in New Orleans, Louisiana, with close collaboration with both local lab supervisors and, remotely, with study leadership.
To be considered, candidates must have research experience with administering standardized cognitive assessments to young children in the lab setting. Qualified candidates will be highly organized, have good leadership skills, be detail-oriented, and will be proficient at interacting with young children and families.